By Ryan Sterner
March 13, 2017
The 2017 Footrace Fever bracket challenge is underway on Citius Mag and we’re calling on you to help us decide what is the greatest race ever. We have pop culture, Olympic, U.S. and classic race separated into different regions.
We ask that you download and print out a bracket, Fill it out and tweet it @CitiusMag with #FootraceFever in order for you to submit your bracket and be eligible for a surprise.
Unlike the NCAA basketball tournament, where you sit and watch the outcome out of your control, you have the power to rock the vote and help your favorite races advance. Vote in the polls below. Voting for the first round will end on Saturday. We will craft the next round of the tournament on Sunday and then voting will re-open for the following round on Monday.
Download your bracket now! Tweet it. Vote. Vote. Vote.
This section is the Citius Mag staff’s attempt at showing our audience that we are hip to today’s pop culture trends. Not only are we fans of things like movies, television shows, and competitive eating contests, but we can also imbue any and all things we see with the competitive spirit only found among runners. We apologize in advance for everything you’re about to read.
Pop Culture Regional
Going Out On Top vs. Overeating
Jerry Seinfeld vs. Duncan Meyer vs. 2016 Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest
Some people may argue that since Jerry actually raced someone, that his is a better “race.” I’m here, however, to tell you that the Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest is the greatest tidbit of American Culture we’ve ever invented and closely parallels track and field’s rarely run One Hour Race. Haile Gebrselassie once covered 21,285 meters (13.22 miles) in an hour. And in 2016, Joey Chestnut ate 72 hot dogs in 12 minutes.
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Imminent death vs nipple chafing
Samuel L Jackson and Bruce Willis vs Simon vs. The Office Michael Scott Fun Run
The fun run episode is revered as one of the best episodes of The Office. It brought Nipple Chafing into the cultural zeitgeist while raising awareness for rabies. The other one is cool but John McClane and Zeus ultimately lost and the consequences couldn’t have been more dire.
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90s Classic vs. 80s Classic
Forrest Gump Runs Across America vs. Indiana Jones & The Boulder
Forrest Gump contains a perfectly good running montage ruined by the Eagles, but saved by the fact that he completes his first transcontinental trip wearing khaki pants fashioned into shorts. Indiana Jones, however, may be more iconic because this race was turned into a ride at Universal Studios Hollywood.
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Juice vs. Ben Affleck’s love life
OJ Simpson on the Lam vs The Armageddon Asteroid
There’s irony somewhere in this match up, and I invite the readers to enlighten me when it hits them. A man who (allegedly) murdered his wife is speeding down the interstate, trying to save himself from the cops. Another man, thousands of miles up in the sky is sitting on an asteroid hurtling towards earth, ready to kill himself to save his daughter (and humanity, I guess).
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Shaq on the track vs. A Friendly Robot
Shaq and Tyson Gay Race vs John Connor & the Terminator
Shaq gets a bad rep for being a tub o’ lard, but he is also a world class athlete. Don’t be surprised that he staved off Tyson Gay with a 40 meter head start.
I invite readers to make their own decisions in this match up, but John Connor running away from a potential murderous alien robot is way better than some handicapped track race.
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The Town of Springfield vs A Petty Criminal
Homer Simpson & the Marathon vs. Point Break Keanu & Patrick Swayze
The Springfield marathon has it all. Nods to marathon cheats, drug testing, and it culminates in a murderous mob. And despite being a huge Keanu Reeves fan, this one loses points because in the final kick, he literally didn’t pull the trigger and let some clown win the whole dang thing.
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Celebrities interacting with normal people vs making curfew
Kevin Hart & Jada Martin vs. Ferris Bueller & his Parents
Here’s an FYI: at the conclusion of Kevin Hart’s race, you see him taking a selfie video, ostensibly informing Twitter/Vine/Chatroulette that he’s won a footrace. In my mind, that’s something that cool teen Ferris Bueller would never do, and that somehow makes him a better person.
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Cool Teen vs Solo Obstacle Running
Marty McFly & a bolt of lightning VS Clarice Starling Obstacle course
There’s a clear winner in this match up, and I again will share my bias: Clarice Starling is performing tricks like a show dog or some dude auditioning for American Ninja Warrior. Don’t get me wrong, both cool things. But when your competition is a cool teen bringing a time machine up to 88 MPH and timing it perfectly with a strike of lightning, good luck lady.
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Do not forget to vote in the Classic Races, Olympic Races and U.S. Races brackets. Tweet your bracket to @CitiusMag and use #FootraceFever.
Ryan Sterner
Hobby jogger and soup enthusiast whose work has appeared in a number of highly esteemed publications such as Flotrack, The Howard Lake Herald Journal and Ebaum's World. Currently a resident of Los Angeles, where he spends most of his time indoors.