By Stephen Kersh
April 10, 2018
ANNOUNCEMENT: I have made it.
I’m finally a capital-J Journalist. I’m in with the fat cats. I eat steak… FOR LUNCH. I’m on the collective radar. I’m in the transcendental Rolodex. I received my first scoop today.
An industry insider has informed me the 2018 Boston Marathon will be showing some love to an oft-forgotten, nary celebrated sub-section of runners: the age grouper. Through funding from adidas and The Woolmark Company, the top-20 in 13 age group categories will be earning long-sleeve Merino wool shirts.
My man-on-the-ground (my insider, my informant, my muse) has told me the shirts will be numbered. You now always know where you stand amongst the other strong women and men of your age group. When you see #17 at a Starbucks in the Cleveland Airport on your way back home after the race, you rudely saunter over to her, make sure she sees the #4 plastered over your comfy-ass Merino wool shirt, and whisper in her ear “I’m actually going to train for 2019. Get ready for the Thunderdome.”
But don’t let some Beantown blowhard tell you his city was the first to come up with this concept. The Dipsea has been doing this for years. Rumor has it after Will Hunting left Boston and had to go see about Skylar, they settled down in Mill Valley and Will told the race directors of the Dipsea to do the numbered shirt thing. So, I guess there are some Boston ties to this thing after all.
Moral of this scoop? You now are racing for more than pride. You are racing for a wool shirt that will forever be emblazoned with your absolute truth on it.
Stephen Kersh
Former collegiate runner for University of Portland and Georgetown, currently a professional runner weighing sponsorship offers from no one. Enjoys using the internet to message Scott Olberding and Paul Snyder about bad story ideas. Does not assume he will work at Citius much longer due to the bad story ideas. He once gave a TED Talk titled "Twitter: How We Are All Just Shouting into a Vacuum" to his best friend and his girlfriend on the beaches of Connecticut.