By Stephen Kersh
March 27, 2018
Flagstaff, Arizona is home to Route 66, Pluto, and 1/5th of the Citius Mag Small Council. The Big Three, as it were. Flagstaff also happens to host the world’s top runners for weeks at a time as come to train in the terribly thin air. Because we don’t want to waste all of this serendipity, we’ll be launching a video series called “First Things First.” The gist is simple and beautiful: ask athletes some softball questions while they eat a hamburger. We think we are really on to something.
The pilot episode was with 1,500-meter star Robby Andrews. Probably the biggest takeaway was when he told us Oreos are vegan. I think that got cut from the final edit, but watch and find out!
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Stephen Kersh
Former collegiate runner for University of Portland and Georgetown, currently a professional runner weighing sponsorship offers from no one. Enjoys using the internet to message Scott Olberding and Paul Snyder about bad story ideas. Does not assume he will work at Citius much longer due to the bad story ideas. He once gave a TED Talk titled "Twitter: How We Are All Just Shouting into a Vacuum" to his best friend and his girlfriend on the beaches of Connecticut.