By Thoms
August 28, 2018
Hello friends:
We want to take you on a journey in a 20-minute guided run. Thoms Heynk and Nicole Bush take you on our new guided audio runs.
Why listen to music when you can get motivated and inspiration from your favorite hosts on Running Things Considered? Who needs a coach when Nicole and Thomas are able to shed their wisdom on how to approach the speed and endurance of your run.
What we aim to do is to raise you to the peak of your ability. There’s no stress and no tension. Just 20 minutes listening to voices of two strangers and this Peruvian flute band.
Author Thoms Heynk lives in Stillwater, Minnesota with his wife Judy and dog Flash. “My Coach The Spooky Scary Skeleton” is the second novel in his “Thoms Heynk Athletics Adventures” Series.