February 9, 2022
We’re welcoming Lilah Drafts-Johnson to the D3GD staff and what a better introduction than to know her D3 story. In high school, Lilah started out as a two-miler but shifted toward the 400mH and triple jump. While not completely understanding the recruiting process, Lilah sent in her track marks to boost her application to Oberlin College. The coaches reached out and she quickly realized joining the track team would make for a positive college experience.
Lilah spent a lot of her college career shifting her goals. She wanted to leave college as a sub 60 400m runner. She did that by indoors her freshman year. So, she set the bar higher to become a national champion.
She completed her final goal of becoming a national champion in the 400m hurdles in her last track race ever. We explore the psychological makeup of shifting goals and what role track and field played in her college experience.
Lilah will be taking deeper dives into D3 Track and Field in her written work on d3glorydays.com
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D3 Glory Days Patreon
We launched a Patreon! As we said, we will never go behind a paywall – so any support is greatly appreciated.
This past season was a great undertaking in our labor of love. We enjoy bringing you this content and we realized we could do so much more with a little bit of backing. We want to ensure D3 gets the coverage it deserves and keeping this website paywall free! If you have enjoyed this podcast and the articles we have put, please consider becoming a Patreon of D3 Glory Days. In full disclosure, the money will go directly into the show: equipment, subscriptions we need, and most importantly, money to our writers. If you are able, we would appreciate your support.
How to Support D3 Glory Days
As always, we really appreciate your support of this podcast. If you’d like to help spread the word, share the podcast with a friend, or leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or leave a rating Spotify!
We’re launching a live D3 Track Show this Week. Subscribe to our YouTube channel so you don’t miss it.
If you would like to help support the podcast or say thanks to our writers, please consider making a donation on the D3 Glory Days Venmo. This helps offset some costs, hosting services, and help out our new writers.
If you want to rep D3 Glory Days on your next run, head to our Merch Store. And finally, follow us on social media! We’re on Instagram, Twitter and Strava.
Stu Newstat