June 17, 2019
As we’re coming up on 20 episodes of the Runners of NYC Podcast, several listeners have reached out to ask about how they can do their part to support the show. We’ve been fortunate to have received assistance from a few sponsors but a few people wanted to personally help us sustain and improve the podcast. Kindly, we’re finally putting out the ask. We’ve now got a Patreon page.
We want to continue pushing out the podcast on a bi-weekly basis and bring you quality audio for our guests. With your help, we will be able to improve our equipment set up, possibly hire a producer to assist with editing and organize more live events. In return, we’ll do our best to put together exclusive episodes, interviews and maybe some video for those supporters.
With your help, we will be able to improve our equipment set up, possibly hire a producer to assist with editing and maybe even organize live events.
If you’ve been a fan of the show thus far, nothing will change to the current podcast set up, we’re simply asking for you to set aside a few dollars that might go toward a coffee or dollar slice to support our work. The NYC running community is awesome and we’d appreciate the assistance.
Thank you to everyone who considers pledging any dollar amount today.
Links for the show: Apple Podcasts | SoundCloud | Spotify
Leigh Anne Sharek
Runner for the Brooklyn Track Club, 2020 U.S. Olympic Marathon Trials qualifier (2:41:59, CIM 2018), Runners of NYC Podcast host, full-time forensic scientist