August 27, 2020
“We, as Bronx Femme, promote health and wellness not just in our little running community but we run the streets…It’s not just for folks to come on a run but it’s also to show the Bronx that we can run. We’re running in the hoods. We’re running in all the crevices of the Bronx. I really hope that Bronx Femme is inspiring people. This isn’t normal to see runners in the Bronx so when they see us, they’re always like ‘What is going on?’ We’re breaking necks out here. I really hope people see us, join us and talk about us to further promote in the Bronx because that is so important, especially right now in the pandemic. It’s so important.”
For this episode, we are joined by Michelle Nguyen and Amy Ortiz. They are both Bronx residents and two of the founders of the Bronx Femme Run. The group’s mission statement says they aim to create a space where all women run free. They meet on the first Friday of every month and connect women from all across the city and specifically the Bronx. In this episode, we’ll learn how the group came to be, what they’re doing to build that safe space and how they’re resetting and regaining momentum after the coronavirus pandemic hit their respective communities. This group is fairly new so we hope you enjoy getting to know them.
Follow Bronx Femme Run on Instagram. Follow Michelle. Follow Amy.
This is Runners of NYC. A biweekly podcast from CITIUS MAG. Hosts Leigh Anne Sharek and Chris Chavez look to bring you many of the untold stories behind luminaries and legends that make up New York City’s running culture. You can catch the latest episode of the podcast on iTunes so subscribe and leave a five-star review. We are also on Spotify!
Please consider supporting our work. We want to continue pushing out the podcast on a bi-weekly basis and bring you quality audio for our guests. we’re simply asking for you to set aside a few dollars that might go toward a coffee or dollar slice to support our work. In return, we’ll do our best to put together exclusive episodes, interviews and maybe some video for those supporters. The NYC running community is awesome and we’d appreciate the assistance

Chris Chavez
Chris Chavez launched CITIUS MAG in 2016 as a passion project while working full-time for Sports Illustrated. He covered the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro and grew his humble blog into a multi-pronged media company. He completed all six World Marathon Majors and on Feb. 15th, 2025 finally broke five minutes for the mile.