Do I Make A Sign For My Wife’s Boyfriend In His First Marathon?

May 15, 2018

Nicole Bush, Thoms Heynk and Ryan Sterner are back to take calls on all your musings.

On this show, CITIUS MAG readers and listeners contribute their voicemails to drive the conversations in all directions. Bring on the personal stories, the Would You Rathers, strange hypotheticals and much more.

Call into the show: The voicemail line is: (646) 780-9218

On this episode:

-My wife’s boyfriend is running his first marathon and she wants me to make a sign. What should it say? Do I even attend the race?

– If your teammate gets bitten by a snake, do you suck the poison out of their leg and become the No. 1 runner on your team or let them die?

– What’s the hardest track event to run: 800, Mile, Two-Mile, 5K, 3K Steeple or 10K (Young B Bone’s Question of the Week)

– Are calling records “American-born records” racist? Nationalist? Jingoism?

– “My coach is having me try a practice called “earthing” or “grounding”. You basically just walk around barefoot or lay down on the grass for a while every day and the “natural connection” with the earth is supposed to speed up the healing process. Just wanted to see what you guys thought of it or if you’ve heard of it. Feel free to shit on it because I know it sounds hippy-dippy AF”

-Erin Finn’s long text message

+ Much More on this wonderful episode

Listen to our latest episode on Soundcloud below:


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Author Thoms Heynk lives in Stillwater, Minnesota with his wife Judy and dog Flash. “My Coach The Spooky Scary Skeleton” is the second novel in his “Thoms Heynk Athletics Adventures” Series.