September 20, 2018
Our beautiful baby boy, Ryan Sterner, is still missing in action.
But have no fear as Nicole, Thoms, and their ward, Chris, tackle all of the running world’s most pressing questions and issues including:
What direction should Nicole turn on her run?
What’s the current state of American hurdling?
How many Fruit by The Foots could a cross country team eat in one week?
Why isn’t the per diem amount changed by inflation?
Do shoes matter or are you just mad at Nike?
The questions you asked and the even larger amount of questions that you never would, all answered this week and every week on Running Things Considered: The World’s Longest Running Advice Podcast.
Call into the show: The voicemail line is: (646) 780-9218
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Author Thoms Heynk lives in Stillwater, Minnesota with his wife Judy and dog Flash. “My Coach The Spooky Scary Skeleton” is the second novel in his “Thoms Heynk Athletics Adventures” Series.