By Citius Mag Staff
April 26, 2017
For most, the opportunity to have widely-circulated portrait ends in high school, or starts after your first petty crime, but, PER USUAL, student-athletes are exempt from these rules. They get their mugs immortalized 1-3 times a career depending on the quality of their respective sports information department intern. And, If we’ve learned anything over the years, it’s if you give a runner the chance to act like a high schooler again, he or she will double-down on that offer every damn time. After this was a hit, we’ve decided to make it a recurring weekly round-up on Citius Mag dot com, we present a handful of kids who loved playing dress-up well after it was an activity anything close to appropriate with regards to their age.
We know you have more so shoot them our way via email or Twitter DM. Our info is at the bottom of the post.
Previous editions
Part I
Part II
Part III
Onto this week’s champions
And we’re off with a bang. There’s things that never disappoint with these weekly round-ups. A few things. 1.) Gentlemen from Minnesota have no shame and will go all-out for picture day. 2.) You can always count on Wisconsin satellite schools to deliver. Braydon Johnson could’ve had a run for Hero of the Week but we decided he would kick us off. The glasses, which may have a floral pattern to them, go perfect with the mustache and completely zipped up hoody. He’s got the look of a very threatening yet goofy camp counselor.
“Hello. I’m glad to be here.”
There’s so many scenes while watching Friday Night Lights (the superior television show) that I wondered to myself, why is Tim Riggins’ hair randomly wet all the time. Our Boston College fella over here left us wondering the same thing. It could’ve been a rainy day in Boston or he just randomly looked like he just got out of the pool.
Pete Best claims to be the fifth member of The Beatles but we actually just found him and he’s from Germantown, Wisconsin.
This one wasn’t sent in to us but we were perusing the UW-Parkside page in case we overlooked anyone. If Disney ever wanted to reboot Boy Meets World, then they’ve got their replacement for Corey Matthews right here. This kid is Ben Savage 2.o and we’re fans.
We swear he’s not a lacrosse player. 10/10 hair. 8/10 last name.
The reader who sent this into us claims that these are two photos of the same person. We honestly didn’t do much digging outside of that because this is being written at 2 a.m. and we trust our readers, but c’mon. That is an incredible transformation. Don’t think we didn’t notice that the American flag is coming out of his beard. We don’t think this guy actually ran for his college but instead hitchhiked across the country and came out looking like that.
Lets hope that next season this guy comes out swinging with a killer mullet. The mustache is just bonus points.
Totally left the stove on and then realized it in the middle of his photo.
Hero of the Week
Man. Where do we begin. This is a transformation. It’s beautiful. There’s four distinct different people here, that I think it embodies the progression of college. A bright eyed, bushy tailed freshman. A sophomore who hung up a Bob Marley tapestry in his new, off-campus track house. The junior on the team that the freshman have heard stories about. The senior on the team whose just here to have a good time. And finally the fifth year whose parents desperately need him to finish school. Kudos to you, sir.
Division I, II or III or even high school track team portraits are welcome. We know there’s more out there so sent them our way by email or DM us on Twitter.

Citius Mag Staff