By Ryan Sterner
March 26, 2017
After a frenzied last few days in the Citius newsroom churning out content at a breakneck pace, attempting to keep up with the seemingly endless demand and kudos being heaped on us, we’re finally ready to conclude MUSIC WEEK. And what better way to do it than with one final playlist?
We’ve dubbed it the Long Run Playlist and it’s populated entirely with Citius Mag Staff Picks. Lucky you, only two of the songs contain some form of the word “run” in the title.
Perhaps you’ve heard of some. Maybe you haven’t heard any of them. Either way, we hope you enjoy a small sampling of the musical tastes of the people that provide you with Pulitzer Prize level journalism on a daily basis.
(Disclaimer: The Long Run Playlist is just a catchy name. Nothing about it should imply that you listen to this while running, as we take a NEUTRAL stance on the “music while running?” debate. Except for our Dear Leader, Chris Chavez, a headphones-while-running proponent.)
Ryan Sterner
Hobby jogger and soup enthusiast whose work has appeared in a number of highly esteemed publications such as Flotrack, The Howard Lake Herald Journal and Ebaum's World. Currently a resident of Los Angeles, where he spends most of his time indoors.