By Citius Mag Staff
October 6, 2017
One of our most popular series is back and better than ever. Last spring, we asked our readers to send in the best track and field headshots from team picture day. Well, our readers are super loyal and decided to spend some of their summer mastering their looks for the upcoming cross country season.
For most, the opportunity to have widely-circulated portrait ends in high school, or starts after your first petty crime, but, PER USUAL, student-athletes are exempt from these rules. They get their mugs immortalized 1-3 times a career depending on the quality of their respective sports information department intern. And, If we’ve learned anything over the years, it’s if you give a runner the chance to act like a high schooler again, he or she will double-down on that offer every damn time. After this was a hit, we’ve decided to make it a recurring weekly round-up on Citius Mag dot com, we present a handful of kids who loved playing dress-up well after it was an activity anything close to appropriate with regards to their age.
Shout-out to Intern Matt for helping out with these.
We know you have more so shoot them our way via email or Twitter DM. Our info is at the bottom of the post. All photos have been user submitted.
Previous editions
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Part VII
This week we’re going all in with the Santa Clara boys, who made a team effort. We have other teams and individuals that have sent in shots and we’ll get to them next week.
Yosemite Sam tried a Bowflex for the 90 day free trial
When a pretty lady winks at you from across the web cafe.
When you hear your crush say that mustaches are gross. Also mustaches are gross.
When you think you’re Liam Neeson but you’re either nearsighted or Michael Cera. Please see this for evidence.
When the girl you have a crush on starts telling you about how bees are dying at an alarming rate and you have to act interested.
By the time you get to this part of the post mustaches aren’t ironically funny anymore. Next year, go to the muttonchops or something. We have bad news though. There’s more stashes.
This man is allegedly a narc.
“Hello, human woman. I too have interests, like the Kardashians and other female-like things such as reading and being tired.”
“”Yeah! AFI and Taking Back Sunday are still my favorite bands. How’d you know?”
When the whole team grows a mustache and you use yellow marker and hope no one notices.
If the kid from “Freaks and Geeks” and a meerkat had a child.
An actual deer in the headlights!
You ever walk into a room and make eye contact with someone and accept kidnapping and death?
He’s a magician. We’re not lying.
A live look at Hannah Montana’s Mitchell Musso when the residual checks stop coming in and he decides to put on a rock album.
Sometimes you try to use self tanner and hope no one can tell the difference. Our boy, Christian, here looks like the guy who plays Tom (Joel Edgerton) in the Great Gatsby movie if that guy was just always sweaty.
Last but certainly not least, this guy already had the mustache BEFORE they made the plan to have them for the team picture. Because it makes him stand out. But not in the way that he thinks.
Division I, II or III or even high school track team portraits are welcome. We know there’s more out there so sent them our way by email or DM us on Twitter.

Citius Mag Staff